Women Entrepreneur’s Network

TiE Seattle

The TiE Women Entrepreneur’s Network program is designed to match female entrepreneurs with educational, experiential, and mentorship opportunities that will enhance their chances of success and increase the value of their companies.


To enhance the number and success of women in proprietorship and entrepreneurship in Puget Sound.

More women are founding lifestyle and scalable companies than ever before. They face the same challenges as their male counterparts and more. Too often, the burden of home, relationship, child and elder care still falls heavily on women’s shoulders. Role models and mentors for women are still nowhere near as plentiful as they are for men.

The TiE Women Entrepreneur’s Network program is designed to match female entrepreneurs with educational,
experiential, and mentorship opportunities that will enhance their chances of success and increase the value of their companies.

Our programs include lectures, expert panels, mentoring/advising, startup hacking events, and more. WEN hosts 2-3 events a year including panel events featuring female founders and funders as well as more private and intimate investor events.

TiE Seattle WEN
  • Founded in 2017, TiE WEN (Women Entrepreneur’s Network) is chartered to provide support to women building both lifestyle and scalable/fundable companies. The program has hosted three successful events:
  • The Entrepreneurial Experience – Building a company is complex for anyone; women face additional hurdles that bear discussion and solution generation
  • Female Funders in Puget Sound – A gathering of women interested in sourcing high value deal flow among female entrepreneurs
  • Resources for Founders – A panel discussion by leaders in the startup ecosystem in Puget Sound about the vast array of resources available to startup founders